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First off, thanks for showing interest in contributing to Piranha. Let's make this short and sweet so we can all go back to coding awesome new features!

What is Piranha

Piranha is a framework and does not contain any components that produce client code. If you want to contribute such functionality, this is not the place and you should instead create your own community package.

Piranha is cross platform. This means that nothing can be added to the core packages that creates a dependency on a specific operating system or runtime environment. If you want to contribute such functionality you should also create your own community package.

Piranha is lightweight. Just because you can add a feature doesn't necessarily mean that you should. If you're not sure if your idea fits the project, please open an issue to get a second opinion on it.


When contributing new functionality, make sure you add the adequate tests for your code. We want our test coverage to go up (or at least stay the same) with each commit. For testing we use the xunit test framework. If you contribute functionality to an existing project, please add tests in the matching test project. If you contribute by creating a new project, please create a new matching test project.

Integration tests must run on SQLite so that they can be executed on our build servers. Possible test data should be seeded before the tests starts and deleted after the tests are finished so that tests can be run several times without resetting the environment.

Adding features

To keep commit logs as clean as possible we use the GitHub workflow with feature branches. This means:

  1. Never write any code in your master branch
  2. When writing code, do it in a specific feature branch
  3. Send your pull request from that feature branch back to this repo
  4. After your pull request has been accepted, sync the changes into your master from the upstream remote
  5. Delete you feature branch
  6. Again, NEVER write any code in your master branch

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.

.NET Foundation

This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.