Extended Block Support

In version 5.0 we released block based content, a feature that has become very popular since and is now also supported in Ghost and Wordpress with the new Gutenberg editor. In the next major release we intend to include the features that didn't make it, features that we really believe will make it stand out from the rest.


Reusable Blocks

Instead of just creating a block as an inline part of a page or post you will be able to create reusable blocks. These blocks will be stored in a global repository and you will be able to include them on several places in your site. This is perfect for creating banners, contacts, maps and other types of reusable content.

Detaching Reusable Blocks

Once you've inlcuded a reusable block in your page or post you will be able to detach it and create a local copy of it. This also makes reusable blocks a good fit to be used as small template snippets that you can include in your content.

Content Templates

One of the big challenges when creating a website is educating the customer on how to maintain their new website in the best way possible. Quite often you revisit a past project you've deployed only to realize that your once so beautiful design is not so beautiful anymore due to bad content formatting.

Content Templates is a way to create a "recipie" for a page for the customer to use when creating new content. A template is a combination of a Content Type and a set of Default Data, may it be blocks or pre-filled regions. It will be very much when you create a new Word-document from a certain template.

Revision History

Both pages and posts will get complete revision history for all the changes made to the content. This will enable the editors to:

  • Create a draft for an already published item.
  • Preview an earlier version with the possibility to restore it.
  • Undo changes made to a page or post.

Updated Manager

The Manager Interface will be updated and rebuilt using Bootstrap 4. During this work we will also present a new and cleaner view for editing pages and posts.

This new version will also include the following features:

  • A new modular, widget-based dashboard will be implemented.
  • The media view will also be available in card/thumbnail mode.
  • The media model will also be extended to contain more meta data.
  • All texts will be moved to resources enabling the manager to be translated.
  • Better validations of input data submitted by the user.

Other Features

There are of course many other features scheduled for the 6.0 release which you can read more about by checking out the current project on GitHub. If you have comments or feedback on these other features, feel free to comment on this post or directly on the issue.


As always we're more than happy to get your feedback for the upcoming release. You can either leave a comment here or go find the relevant issue on GitHub and add a comment there.