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Piranha doesn't really care how your users gets authenticated, whether it's the end users of your application or the administrators accessing the manager interface. Instead, Piranha uses a claims based security model to check what the current user has access to.

We provide two different packages for handling authentication, one for development and one for production scenarios.

To read more about how the implement custom authentication services for your application, please refer to Authentication under the Extensions section.

Adding Permissions

Besides the claims used by the default pages in the manager interface you can add custom claims for you application, both for custom manager pages or for securing pages in your application.

Adding Application Claims

The application claims you add will be available when you edit and set up Roles in the manager if you're using the Identity package. These claims will also be available in the settings for your Pages & Posts and can be used for securing certain instances of your content. This should be added in your Startup.cs.

App.Permissions["Application"].Add(new Piranha.Security.PermissionItem
    Name = "WebUser",
    Title = "Web User"

The first name is the main category you want to group your permissions in and can be anything you like. In this example we've choosen the name "Application".

Adding Manager Claims

Manager claims works in the same way as application claims, the only difference is that you set the property IsInternal to true. By doing this they are not shown when specifying permissions for your public pages & posts and should only be used when validating if the current manager should have access to something in the manager interface.

App.Permissions["Manager"].Add(new Piranha.Security.PermissionItem
    Category = "My Manager Feature",
    Name = "EditStuff",
    Title = "Edit Stuff",
    IsInternal = true
App.Permissions["Manager"].Add(new Piranha.Security.PermissionItem
    Category = "My Manager Feature",
    Name = "DeleteStuff",
    Title = "Delete Stuff",
    IsInternal = true

Core Claims

The core Piranha application has two Claims that are used when trying to preview unpublished content.

  • PiranhaPagePreview
  • PiranhaPostPreview

Manager Claims

The following claims define the different actions the logged in user can perform in the manager interface. To assign these claims to different users you setup Roles which have access to different Claims. A user can have several roles.


  • PiranhaAdmin If the user has access to the manager interface


  • PiranhaAliases If the user can view the alias page
  • PiranhaAliasesDelete If the user can delete existing aliases
  • PiranhaAliasesEdit If the user can add and edit existing aliases


  • PiranhaConfig If the user can view the config page
  • PiranhaConfigEdit If the user can update config settings


  • PiranhaMedia If the user can view the media page
  • PiranhaMediaAdd If the user can upload new media
  • PiranhaMediaDelete If the user can delete existing media
  • PiranhaMediaEdit If the user can update existing media
  • PiranhaMediaAddFolder If the user can add new folders in the media library
  • PiranhaMediaDeleteFolder If the user can delete existing media folders


  • PiranhaPages If the user can view the page structure
  • PiranhaPagesAdd If the user can add new pages
  • PiranhaPagesDelete If the user can delete existing pages
  • PiranhaPagesEdit If the user can view the page details
  • PiranhaPagesPublish If the user can publish and unpublish pages
  • PiranhaPagesSave If the user can update existing pages


  • PiranhaPosts If the user can view posts
  • PiranhaPostsAdd If the user can add new posts
  • PiranhaPostsDelete If the user can delete existing posts
  • PiranhaPostsEdit If the user can view the post details
  • PiranhaPostsPublish If the user can publish and unpublished posts
  • PiranhaPostsSave If the user can update existing posts


  • PiranhaSites If the user can view the site page
  • PiranhaSitesAdd If the user can add new sites
  • PiranhaSitesDelete If the user can delete existing sites
  • PiranhaSitesEdit If the user can view site details
  • PiranhaSitesSave If the user can update existing sites