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What Is Piranha

Piranha CMS is a lightweight, unobtrusive and cross-platform CMS library for .NET Core 3.1. It can be used to add CMS functionality to an already existing application, build a new website from scratch, or even as a backend for a mobile application.

Piranha CMS is designed as a totally decoupled CMS, meaning that you can build your application in any way you want, using any technology you want. We provide packages to give your the options whether you want to use it as an integrated or headless CMS.

Our Design Principles

An open and extendible platform.

Easy and intuitive for the content administrators.

Fast, efficient and fun for the developers.

We've never been interested in incorporating big, complex functions for enterprise customers, there are already lots of commercial products available for this segment. Instead we focus our efforts on providing awesome tools for small to medium sized customers who don't know how to edit their current web applications. These are the customers we meet every day.

Because in the end, if the customer doesn't understand how to maintain their own application, you should have just given them a static site for a fraction of the cost.

What isn't Piranha

Piranha isn't, and will never be Wordpress. What we mean by this is, since we don't care how you build, or what kind of application you build, Piranha will never be able to provide a shop full of pre-made Themes and Plugins that you can use to put together a site without any programming.

The heart and soul of Piranha is about structuring content and editing it in the most intuitive way possible - the rest we leave up to you.