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Tiny MCE

Tiny MCE has been the de facto standard for WYSIWYG editors for many years and is a very powerful editor. Piranha CMS currently supports version 5.0.3 of Tiny MCE and the editor is used in inline mode for all editors in the interface.


The Tiny MCE editor can be installed by adding the following NuGet package:

PM> install-package Piranha.Manager.TinyMCE

Default Editor Tools

By default the following tools are enabled by the editor:

  • Bold & Italic
  • Unordered & Ordered Lists
  • Horizontal Line
  • Left, Center & Right Alignment
  • Standard Header & Block Formats
  • Link Editor with CMS integration
  • Image picker with CMS integration

Configuring The Editor

The editor can be customized either through code, or by creating a JSON config file with the editor configuration.

Configure with JSON config

// editorconfig.json
  "plugins": "autoresize autolink code hr paste lists piranhalink piranhaimage",
  "toolbar": "bold italic | bullist numlist hr | alignleft aligncenter alignright | formatselect | piranhalink piranhaimage",
  "blockformats": "Paragraph=p;Header 1=h1;Header 2=h2;Header 3=h3;Header 4=h4;Code=pre;Quote=blockquote",
  "styleformats": [
      "title": "Lead",
      "tag": "p",
      "type": "block",
      "classes": "lead"

The configuration is the applied from the method Configure in your Startup.cs.

// Startup.cs
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IApi api)



Configure through code

// Startup.cs
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IApi api)

    Piranha.Manager.Editor.EditorConfig.Current.Plugins = ...
    Piranha.Manager.Editor.EditorConfig.Current.Toolbar = ...
    Piranha.Manager.Editor.EditorConfig.Current.BlockFormats = ...
    Piranha.Manager.Editor.EditorConfig.Current.StyleFormats =
        new List<Piranha.Manager.Editor.EditorStyle>
